Take a look at some stories Genesis contributed to for :

Genesis is also featured in these other publications:

American Heart Association - Heart.org

Arizona Daily Star - Tucson.com

Arizona Mirror - Azmirror.com

AZ Big Media - Azbigmedia.com

Bajo El Sol - Yumasun.com

HealthDay - Healthday.com

Indian Country Today - Indiancountrytoday.com

La Marea - La-marea.mx

La Verdad - Laverdadjuarez.com

Nogales International - Nogalesinternational.com

Ova News Blast - Ovanewsblast.com

Payson Roundup - Paysonroundup.com

Pie de Pagina - Piedepagina.mx

Pinal Central - Pinalcentral.com

Prescott eNews - Prescottenews.com

Suedwestumfahrung Nein - suedwestumfahrung-nein.ch

The Copper Courier- Coppercourier.com

The Daily Courier - Dcourier.com

The Verde Valley Independent - Verdenews.com

Tucson Sentinel - Tucsonsentinel.com

6park - 6park.news

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